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. :Ambiguous: . |. :A Priori: .
my divorce.

soft lines that rain on his smile are so much more comforting than her caress. and the time she gave him just shattered like a glass canopy. will you spend here under this fleeting limelight with me where our mouths are slick with fear and hearts that brim with need are buried in the sand?

so, fine. he always had me strangled and struggling under the weight of his glance and the sloppy autopsy that you administered left me in seizures without stitches. did you kiss him when i was against the brick wall with fear spilling out my eyes? with tears filling my gaping wounds and burning more than your wrought-iron surgery hands.

why did you leave me...your words were sharpened hooks beneath my skin. i left them in. scarlet adorns the snow.

. :<---: . | . :--->: .