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. :Ambiguous: . |. :A Priori: .
oh so long.

The semester is almost over and I feel so relieved.

My roommate is intolerable, I sleep too much, I work too little, and I have virtually no friends. What kind of life is this that I have? I suppose that according to what I have said, you could translate that as meaning: I have no love or patience, I am lazy, I am undisciplined, and I am uncaring and unfriendly. I really do not think that this is an accurate portrayal of me, however, these thoughts are constantly running through my head.

On other topics Heather has made her way to the front of my mind lately. It is a task to understand her and how she fits into my life. Or IF she fits into my life. I ask myself "Do you really like her, at all?" It's hard to say- she has all the qualifications, and yet it's like I do not know who she is. Is not anyone only the sum of their qualities, traits, and flaws?

Well, for Heather, I would say that her good qualities actually make it very difficult for me to see her. Huh? Yes this seems strange to me too. Maybe it is me that is making this into an issue by being so damn enamored with her. If I could just let myself level with her and speak honestly perhaps I would be able to be her friend. So far this has proved harder than it seems. I don't know what I am going to do. Put her on the back burner for a little while and do some schoolwork for once. Yeah, I think that sounds like the best idea for now.

Any comments or suggestions are welcomed seeing as to how I am incompetent when it comes to understanding the opposite sex.

Michael Holden

. :<---: . | . :--->: .