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. :Ambiguous: . |. :A Priori: .

my dreams are really getting out of hand. i wake up out of breath, scared out of my mind. and i always wish for someone to hold on to. to make the darkness and nightmares cease.

of course i believe that i have brought these things upon myself. what exactly was it?

maybe i should have prayed more before i slept. i hope that was it. i hate to think that i am conjuring up these dreams all on my own. i would much prefer it to be more of a punishment of sorts.

my roommate says that i sat up all of a sudden while sleeping, breathing hard, took a good long look at him, and then collapsed back into bed.

i don't remember that at all.

i am not looking forward to Christmas break. three weeks in Houston seems an awful lot. hopefully I will keep myself busy reading Dante�s Inferno and C.S. Lewis.


. :<---: . | . :--->: .