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. :Ambiguous: . |. :A Priori: .
maybe you're the same without me.

i have nothing to account for the past two weeks.

how i wish for words of wisdom or revelations or understanding. yet somehow, these things have failed to find me this time. instead i can only say that i miss beauty. as usual i might reflect on the nature of beauty and how it relates to the moral universe. but i don't want to. i want to feel. i want every good thing that i know to rise up in this old heart till it swells and bursts. i want to feel young.


last night i slept so terribly..i've never slept like that before, i woke up in stress and pain after only four hours...


and earlier this week..i went somewhere. in my dream. there were others. it was far more terrifying than any of the hellish things i've seen before because..

i swear it was real, i know it sounds crazy, but- like i said.

there were others.

they spoke to me of where i was. and when i closed my eyes and told myself it wasn't real, i could still feel them brushing past me. when i opened my eyes, they were all looking at me not surprised at my reaction, but waiting for me to stop acting so foolish as to not know...

i have always told myself that if i'm not sure if a dream has significance, i can know by taking something with me when i leave.

i left this dream with a name on my lips.

. :<---: . | . :--->: .