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. :Ambiguous: . |. :A Priori: .
breathing water.

on the concept of maturity...

is it more knowledge? more abilities? more possessions? more wisdom? more responsibilities?

i seem to always have these moments with people who are younger or older. where consciousness fades in and out, ripples like water as i secretly debate every word i speak, and every gesture and expression so that i might convey myself exactly as i please.

i live on bridges. my work is in the chaos that differentiates one person from the next. this is where love lies.

where peace thrives.

where no one dies.

there are some that will not understand this regardless of how hard i try. i will admit i have a difficult time seeing such as those as mature. so what do i think is maturity? a journey, not a destination. those who seek for truth despite the darkness in their mind. never an end, but a means. not mature because of accomplishments or achievements of any sort. mature because of a certain quality, a distinguishing mark amongst the rest.

we are the matched and numbered ones. we have been placed in all your codes. we are the matched and numbered ones who live in this constant disrepair. -elliott.falsecathedrals.blessedbyyourownghost.

. :<---: . | . :--->: .